= Darion Cassel

Hi, nice to meet you!

I’m Darion, an Applied Scientist in the Amazon Web Services Automated Reasoning Group (ARG). My work in ARG is focused on improving the reliability of Large Language Models (LLMs) through formal methods.

I completed my PhD at Carnegie Mellon University’s security lab, CyLab, where I was advised by Limin Jia. My PhD research was focused on practical analysis of security properties for software systems through program analysis and type system design.


Work Experience

I am currently working as an Applied Scientist in the Automated Reasoning Group.

In the past, I’ve interned at:

As an undergraduate, I was a researcher at the UVa Security Research Group under the guidance of Professor David Evans, and worked on the Obliv-C project.


Program committee member: CCS ‘25, MADWeb ‘25.

Artifact evaluation program committee member: PETS ‘25, PETS ‘24, ISSTA ‘24, PETS ‘23, ESOP ‘22.

External reviewer: PETS ‘23, NDSS ‘23, NDSS ‘22, S&P ‘22, NDSS ‘21.


Questions, comments, concerns? Contact me on LinkedIn.

Thanks for visiting!

(c) Darion Cassel.

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